“Tack” is the level of stickiness when adhesive first comes in contact with a surface, and as pressure is applied or as time passes, the adhesive makes complete bond to the substrate and reaches “ultimate adhesion”.
The difference between tack and ultimate adhesion can be significant, therefore understanding the bonding rate will make installation much easier.
Bonding increase when surface contact increased through the flow of adhesive, at the time of installation is the initial tack, the bond may build to double after one day, and achieve ultimate adhesion in 7 days.
If the film has to be stretched before contact (deformed), or when a signage / graphic must be immediately exposed to cold weather condition, using a heat gun during installation will significantly increase surface contact and bonding rate, and avoid future problems during service life. However, do not attempt to use heat to soften the film in combination with wet application.
We recommend to use a rivet brush on highly textured substrate, because surface contact is greatly increased by as much as 150% compared to using a flat squeegee.